Traffic Signal Preemption: Enhancing Emergency Response Efficiency

 Emtrac System’s Traffic Signal Preemption device is a cutting-edge solution designed to prioritize emergency vehicles by temporarily overriding regular traffic signal operations. This automated system ensures that signalized intersections adapt dynamically, allowing emergency vehicles to navigate traffic more efficiently and reach their destinations faster.

The Traffic Signal Preemption system interrupts normal traffic flow by pausing extended green lights to prioritize the requesting emergency vehicle. This real-time signal adjustment clears a safe path through intersections, reducing response times while maintaining controlled and smooth traffic movement.

Key Advantages

  • Faster Emergency Response: By minimizing delays at intersections, the system helps emergency vehicles arrive at incident scenes quickly.

  • Automated Operations: The preemption device seamlessly integrates with existing traffic signal infrastructure, ensuring hassle-free implementation.

  • Robust Functionality: Designed to override standard signal priorities, the system ensures that emergency vehicles always receive the green light when needed.

This technology is a vital tool for emergency response teams, enabling them to save lives and respond effectively to critical situations. By clearing the path for first responders, Traffic Signal Preemption not only enhances safety but also supports better traffic management during emergencies.

Contact Us


location: Manufactured By STC, Inc. 1201 W. Randolph St, McLeansboro, IL 62859

phone: Richard D’Alessandro: (214) 607–0100

Fax: (214) 607–0105



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