Understanding Transit Signal Priority and Traffic Signal Preemption

Traffic Signal Preemption Transmitter

Today’s blog focuses on Transit Signal Priority (TSP) and Traffic Signal Preemption (TSP), highlighting the primary differences between the two.

Key Differences

Transit Signal Priority (TSP):

  • TSP modifies the normal signal operation process to prioritize transit vehicles, such as buses and cars, at traffic-signal controlled intersections.

  • It is a backend system that helps in-service transit vehicles move more efficiently through intersections.

Traffic Signal Preemption:

  • Traffic Signal Preemption interrupts the regular signal process for specific situations, such as allowing emergency vehicles or trains to pass through intersections without delay.

  • This method employs infrared receiving devices installed at traffic lights to detect signals from transmitters in emergency vehicles.

  • Preemption is primarily used for emergency vehicles, enabling them to change a red signal to green within a range of approximately 1500 feet.

How It Works

Transit Signal Priority (TSP):

  • Facilitates smoother and faster transit by adjusting traffic signals to favor public transportation.

Traffic Signal Preemption:

  • Used by many cities, it enhances traffic flow and safety for emergency vehicles by providing them with a green light at intersections when they send a signal from their transmitter.

  • Benefits of Traffic Signal Preemption

  • Improved Response Time: Emergency vehicles can reach their destinations more quickly.

  • Enhanced Safety: Reduces the likelihood of accidents at intersections by clearing the way for emergency vehicles.

Contact the EMTRAC system for the Transit Signal Preemption (TSP) program by phone: (214) 607-0100, Mobile: (618) 316-4633, or visit: https://www.emtracsystems.com 



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