Traffic Signal Preemption for Emergency Vehicles

 The difference between Transit Signal Priority (TSP) and Traffic Signal Preemption for Emergency Vehicles lies in the degree of control over the signal priority adjustment to the standard signal operation process. While TSP adjusts signal timing for transit vehicles, preemption interrupts the regular process for special events such as approaching trains or responding fire engines.

Traffic Signal Preemption primarily focuses on reducing response time to emergencies, enhancing the safety of emergency vehicle personnel, and decreasing accidents involving emergency vehicles at intersections. In contrast, the goals of TSP include improved schedule adherence, increased transit efficiency, better travel information, and enhanced overall road network efficiency.

Benefits of Traffic Signal Preemption for Emergency Vehicles

  • Reduced Response Times: Ensures emergency vehicles can reach their destinations faster by giving them priority at intersections.

  • Enhanced Safety: Decreases the likelihood of accidents involving emergency vehicles at intersections.

  • Improved Efficiency: Helps manage traffic flow more effectively during emergencies, clearing paths for emergency vehicles.

Contact Information

For more information about Traffic Signal Preemption for Emergency Vehicles:

Manufactured By: STC, Inc.

Location: 1201 W. Randolph St, McLeansboro, IL 62859

Phone: Richard D’Alessandro: (214) 607-0100

Fax: (214) 607-0105


Web: EMTRAC Systems


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