Bus Signal Priority: Enhancing Transit Efficiency

Transit Signal Priority (TSP) is an advanced traffic management system designed to provide special treatment and reduce dwell time for transit vehicles such as buses, rapid transit vehicles, railroad cars, water vehicles, municipal vehicles, law enforcement, and fire safety vehicles at signalized intersections.

How Bus Signal Priority Works

A TSP system requires specific hardware equipment, including vehicle detectors and specialized traffic signal controllers. These components work together to prioritize transit vehicles at intersections, ensuring they spend less time waiting at red lights and more time moving efficiently through traffic by Bus Signal Priority.

Key Benefits of Bus Signal Priority

·        Reduced Dwell Time: Transit vehicles spend less time stopped at intersections, improving overall travel times.

·        Enhanced Efficiency: Buses and other prioritized vehicles can maintain schedules more effectively, benefiting passengers.

·        Improved Traffic Flow: By prioritizing transit vehicles, TSP can help reduce congestion and improve the overall flow of traffic.

Components of a TSP System

·        Vehicle Detectors: These sensors detect the presence of transit vehicles approaching an intersection.

·        Specialized Traffic Signal Controllers: These controllers adjust the timing of traffic signals to prioritize transit vehicles, ensuring they receive green lights when needed.

Contact Information

For more information or to inquire about TSP systems:

Location: 1201 W. Randolph St, McLeansboro, IL 62859

Phone: Richard D’Alessandro: (214) 607-0100

Fax: (214) 607-0105

Email: info@emtracsystems.com

Web: www.emtracsystems.com or Transit Signal Priority



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