Traffic Signal Preemption Transmitter

A Traffic Signal Preemption Transmitter alters a traffic signal's phase time by interrupting normal traffic signal timing to provide a green light to approaching emergency vehicles. We see rapid growth in populated areas as a challenge that is currently the primary key issue in the U.S. 

TSP systems are framed in a way that they give emergency response vehicles the green light when they approach a signalized intersection while providing a red light to conflicting approaches. 

The most commonly reported benefits of using TSP are -

  • improved response time, 

  • improved safety, 

  • and cost savings. 

Traffic Signal Preemption Transmitter

In crowded areas, emergency vehicles may undergo queues due to which they have to slow down, adding more time to reach the scene of an incident. However, a green light moves the queue as the traffic is spread before the emergency vehicle's arrival. In such cases, EVs maintain a bit higher average speeds than expected due to the typical traffic situations.

Some companies provide the best TSP with a built-in cabinet monitor that ensures that they're functioning normally & announce the right people when something isn't working. 

Things such as 

  • incoming AC power, 

  • BBS battery, 

  • conflict monitor, 

  • fan status, 

  • remote power cycling is included in the TSP system. 

The configuration is easy for preemption zones as it is done using a map-based configurator, while the system supports transit priority competent controllers to keep signals in coordination.

The systems also provide in-depth reporting data, such as speed, emergencies, and response times. The data identifies issues and is further worked on to improve response times and enhance safety.

If you look into highly-advanced EVP systems, they incorporate GPS vehicle-location equipment and wireless radios. Proper highlights and estimated time to arrival information to the signal provide more dependability and advanced notice.

Such EVP systems include cellular communications between emergency vehicles and the central traffic signal system, as they are well-planned for routing to any centrally-connected traffic signal along the emergency vehicle's path.

EVP system, if used strategically, helps to:

  • Improve safety by reducing collisions at intersections

  • Supports incident response and management by enhancing EV travel time to the incident scene.

Get in Touch:

location: Manufactured By STC, Inc. 1201 W. Randolph St, McLeansboro, IL 62859

phone: Richard D’Alessandro: (214) 607-0100

Fax: (214) 607-0105




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